Five-Year Strategy
Corporate Governance

Five-Year Strategy

Notice Regarding the Formulation of the New Five-Year Strategy

The Company has formulated the new five-year strategy covering the period from FY 2022 to FY 2026.


The MEIWA ESTATE Group’s Sustainability Goals

Basic Sustainability Policy

We the MEIWA ESTATE Group aim for the realization of a sustainable society together with our own growth, in accordance with trust, co-creation and empathy, which is the basis of our corporate philosophy. To this end, we engage in dialogue and foster collaboration with all stakeholders, including customers, business partners, shareholders and investors, employees and local communities.

  • 1 We will contribute to the sustainable development of society through the provision of homes and the rendering of services that enrich people’s lives.
  • 2 We will continue to undertake initiatives aimed at the revitalization of society and communities and the conservation of the environment.
  • 3 We will emphasize on the corporate governance system and risk management and aim to be a trusted company.

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Report

Basic Views on Corporate Governance

The Company has established a basic viewpoint regarding corporate governance and stated it in the Corporate Governance Policy.

Corporate Governance System

Corporate Governance System

  • Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors consists of ten members, including two outside Directors. The Board of Directors meets regularly once a month and convenes extraordinary meetings if necessary. At meetings, the Board of Directors determines important matters of management and matters related to the execution of business, and conducts supervision of the execution of business. Audit & Supervisory Board Members attend the Board of Directors meetings and provide opinions whenever necessary.

  • Audit & Supervisory Board

    The Audit & Supervisory Board consists of four members, including three outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members. The Audit & Supervisory Board formulates audit guidelines and audit plans, and conducts audits in accordance with internal audit rules in cooperation with the Financial Auditor and the Audit Office. By having the Audit & Supervisory Board Members attend the meetings of the Board of Directors, and also having the full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members attend the Management Strategy Meeting and the Meeting of Subsidiaries and Associates, the Company has established a system capable of maintaining a grasp of important matters related to the Group, including subsidiaries and associates.

  • Executive Officer System

    The Company adopts an Executive Officer System with the objective of clarifying executive responsibilities and improving executive functions while striving for improved efficiency in management and swiftness of decision making. The Board of Directors, Directors, and Audit & Supervisory Board Members supervise the business execution of Executive Officers.

  • Management Meeting

    At the Company, important matters related to the overall management of the Company are reported, discussed and examined by the Monthly Strategy Meeting, which comprises the Directors, full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members, Executive Officers, Branch Managers, and General Managers, among others. In addition, the Company holds a General Managers Meeting, comprising Directors, Executive Officers, General Managers, etc., on a weekly basis, and a Subsidiaries Meeting, comprising the President & CEO, relevant Directors or Executive Officers with responsibilities regarding the subsidiaries and associates, full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and responsible officers of the subsidiaries and associates.

  • Risk Management System

    The Company has established a Risk Management Committee to build a system under which risk management can be implemented practically. The Risk Management Committee, comprising Directors, Executive Officers, and General Managers, formulates the basic policy and rules, etc., and oversees risk management in each division.

  • Compliance System

    The Company has established Basic Policy on Corporate Governance and MEIWA ESTATE Group Code of Conduct to ensure the execution of duties of Directors, Executive Officers, and employees complies with laws and regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation. While establishing and operating a company-wide compliance system under the management of the Compliance Committee, the Company ensures there are internal and external whistleblowing channels, and the effectiveness of such a system is ensured by protecting whistleblowers from disadvantageous treatment.

  • Sustainability Committee

    For the purpose of strategically undertaking issues related to sustainability, the Company has established a Sustainability Committee, chaired by a Director and comprising the Directors and Executive Officers. The Sustainability Committee formulates group-wide basic policy relating to sustainability, establishes a structure by which to promote sustainability initiatives, examines and analyzes risks and opportunities, discusses initiative policies and concrete targets, and reports and proposes matters to the Board of Directors and the President & CEO.

  • Internal Audit System

    The Company has established the Audit Office as an internal audit division that is under the direct oversight of the President & CEO, and operated independently from the divisions responsible for business execution. The Audit Office, comprising three members, ensures the effectiveness of internal audits by cooperating closely with the Compliance Committee and its subcommittee, Internal Control Subcommittee, and making use of those committee members as required. The Internal Control Subcommittee comprises members who belong to the Internal Control Division.
    The Audit Office cooperates with the Audit & Supervisory Board (Members) and the Financial Auditor and conducts audits of the Company and subsidiaries and associates of the Group. It reports the results thereof to the President & CEO and the Audit & Supervisory Board (Members), and also provides guidance for improvement as necessary.

  • Financial Audit

    The Company has concluded with Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC an audit agreement for accounting audits in accordance with the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and in addition to regular audits, for providing discussion, confirmation and appropriate accounting treatment for accounting matters as required.